Loving Father, you prepared a stable for your Son who would have no place to lay His head, shelter us, that we might shelter others. You delivered Him whom we would call the Great Physician, heal us, that we might heal others. You provided swaddling clothes for him whose robe would be gambled away, clothe us, that we might clothe others. You raised up teachers for him whom we would claim as our Great Teacher, guide us, that we might guide others.
Bless us; make us a faithful and just people, promoting peace and sustaining life, that the works of our hands might clothe you with honor and majesty! Make us a righteous and good people, enduring forever, that the words of our hearts might cover you with a garment of light! Make us a people worthy of remembrance, inspiring love, that the works of our spirits might rove you in the raiment of power!
Thank you, Sister. Merry Christmas.