The Monastic Mirror


Monday, December 24, 2012

Loving Father, you prepared a stable for your Son who would have no place to lay His head, shelter us, that we might shelter others.  You delivered Him whom we would call the Great Physician, heal us, that we might heal others.  You provided swaddling clothes for him whose robe would be gambled away, clothe us, that we might clothe others.  You raised up teachers for him whom we would claim as our Great Teacher, guide us, that we might guide others.
     Bless us; make us a faithful and just people, promoting peace and sustaining life, that the works of our hands might clothe you with honor and majesty!  Make us a righteous and good people, enduring forever, that the words of our hearts might cover you with a garment of light!  Make us a people worthy of remembrance, inspiring love, that the works of our spirits might rove you in the raiment of power!

Friday, October 5, 2012

The beauty of fall.....this is the trees by our pond....if Mother Nature has her way....all the leaves will be gone by Sunday and there will be white fluffy in the air.....

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Our in-house artist, Sister Mary James Dippold, OSB, has been busy painting several pictures to be raffled in December during the "Open House" for our store, "Trifles and Treasures".

Anyone who knows me will understand my particular love for this picture and the reference to Psalm 42, "Like the deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God."

The picture on the right, captures the beautiful fall colors and scenes the are gradually developing in our northern area.  The sun sets on the horizon and is often a fiery orange this time of year.  The accents of yellow, reds, orange and green appear to jump off this picture as it does during our season of fall. (Sister painted this picture for the Elks fundraiser, along with several others.)

Please keep checking the website and blog for further information on this upcoming event.  Hope to see you there...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Feast of St. Benedict

Holy Father Benedict, in your goodness grant me the intellect to comprehend you, the perception to discern you and the reason to appreciate you.  In your graciousness bestow on me a heart to contemplate you, ears to hear you, eyes to see you, and a tongue to speak of you.  In your mercy confer on me a conversation pleasing to you, the patience to wait for you, and the perseverance to long for you.  Amen.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Preparing for Lent?

I have been truly humbled recently by one of the brothers who has been preparing for lent the past several weeks.  Yes, preparing for lent.  Initially I thought how does one prepare for lent?  In his Benedictine fashion, he has been eliminating meat and other dairy products in preparation for eating totally vegetarian during the season of lent.  Now some of my vegetarian friends would say that would be easy but this is a man who lifts weights daily, climbs the rock wall like it is a hill and is a full time Graduate student.  This is no small task.

I think we all need to take time and prepare for this holy of seasons.  Thank you Lord for putting people in my life to show me the way I should walk....
Sister John Paul, OSB